Biyernes, Hunyo 10, 2011

Power Lung for better breathing

PowerLung, like many other products, was invented out of personal necessity. Mr. Barry Jarvis is the inventor of PowerLung. Mr. Jarvis has been involved in the invention of new products and product enhancements since the 1970′s. While other products had practical value, PowerLung was invented due to a personal need for the very improvements it offers.

In 1990, Mr. Jarvis suffered a heart attack at the age of 48. In his youth in England, Mr. Jarvis was a competitive rower with various rowing clubs, among them Walton, Weybridge and was a founding member of Tideway Scullers. In his 30′s he took up rugby football. Then he began running and trained and became a sub-3-hour marathon runner. Then came the heart attack. While his recovery went well, Mr. Jarvis was never able to really resume any level of activity after this time. He would see others who had never exercised extensively take up running and succeed. His own efforts seemed to be rewarded by a continued decline in his athletic pursuits. As a matter of fact he was often only barely able to walk across the room. Physician after physician advised him to sit down and take it easy. To lose his ability and be told to take it was just more than Mr. Jarvis could stand. There had to be something that would help – he just needed more oxygen. “If I could just breathe” he would say. So physicians gave him inhalers but they did little if any good.

"There must be something", he said, "That will help me breathe better and get more oxygen". So the search began. While the Internet turned up many leads very few of them offered more than airflow restriction, which could be accomplished by breathing through a series of progressively smaller straws. There were other similar devices that offered another form of resistance; flow independent they were called. This time, they were only available for inhale. As Mr. Jarvis said, "Why would you only train any muscle in only one direction?" So the search continued for a machine that would train inhale and exhale muscles in the same breath. Something that would train the breathing muscles in both directions just like you train other muscles when you go to the gym or health club. The search continued turning up volumes of research supporting the value of respiratory muscle training but no product.

For an inventor, who really needs something, this scenario is the foundation of a new product. So the development process began with assimilating research that began in the 1920′s and building a prototype according to the information provided in that research. Three months after he started using the prototype, Mr. Jarvis was able to walk a 3-mile loop at his favorite park and on occasion he could even jog. AND, he was able to quit using his asthma inhalers.

Mr. Jarvis soon realized that he was not the only person suffering from this feeling of breathlessness so work began to convert the prototype into a product. Carolyn Morse joined Mr. Jarvis to handle the marketing and sales of the product. The marketing research completed and the design was fine-tuned retaining strict adherence to implement the body of research that existed on respiratory muscle training. Actual product development began and the first product was delivered to a customer in October, 1999.

Mr. Jarvis’ progress continues to this day. He, like everyone at PowerLung, uses his PowerLung every day at least twice a day. To him it really is the breath of life that permits his ability to be active on a daily basis and remain in the best health possible for his current condition.

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